Cannabis Infused Honey Sticks
$110.00$380.00 Select options

Cannabis Infused Honey Sticks


Cannabis Infused Honey typical user will want to start with 10-30 mg THC per serving. Always be cautious the first time you try eating your THC infused honey.

Cannabis Infused Honey will make 12 oz of marijuana honey, containing about 10 mg THC. Made from supercritical CO2 extracted cannabis oil and clover honey, these are a great choice for a long lasting therapeutic effect, and are reported to provide an uplifting, cerebral experience.

  • THC cannabis-infused honey sticks are a sweet, medicated treat, available in a range of dosing levels.
  • A discrete way to medicate, infused honey can be easily added to tea, yogurt, or fruit, or simply enjoyed straight from the straw.